Buy Sustainably. Live Meaningfully.
As the holiday season comes closer, please keep in mind that due to COVID-19, many pop-up and other artisan markets have closed, jeopardizing the livelihood of many artisans and small businesses worldwide. We encourage you to shop local, ethical, and sustainable.
The team at Enjoymeant
Change begins with meaningful choices
In this day and age, we are inundated with information about every product we buy. We try to keep up with ever-changing fads, figuring what's right and what's out, and often times
we see diminishing returns in the joy we get from our purchases.
Many ethically sourced products are more expensive than their counterparts, and for good reason. We want to do the right thing, but the lure of convenience and value also means that we are put in a tough position while making a purchase.
But what if the products that we buy are affordable and guilt-free? What if the products we buy also gave back to the community they were sourced from? Hence Enjoymeant. A place where you are guaranteed products that are ethically sourced, are environment friendly, and give back to the community where they were made. A place where you know exactly what and who you are supporting when you make a purchase. A place where you delight in something meaningful. Buy. (Give). Enjoy. Repeat. It's that simple.
The marketplace will be off and running soon. Meanwhile, do come back to understand more about sustainability, about companies that do good and give back, and the simple changes we can make to make a more positive impact from our actions.
We are very passionate in our commitment towards creating sustainable solutions for our planet. We look at the world with positivity and believe that every problem has a solution and every person can be an agent of change.
Sustainability is the key to the long-term health and well-being of the planet and its people. We strive towards making this a reality through creative problem solving with honesty and integrity. We work towards this goal by sourcing goods only from fair trade certified companies, working with and giving back to marginalized communities and ensuring equal and fair wages.
We believe in equal rights for all and that every person has the right to education, clean environment, and fair wages. We strive towards empowering marginalized communities by creating employment opportunities, providing incentives, and making a lasting impact.
We believe in approaching problems with a goal towards disrupting the manufacturing process and consumer habits to minimize and/or eliminate waste. We follow the UN Sustainable development goals and the Circular Economy model, and strive to partner with local and international nonprofits and government.